About 2007

As the year is nearing its end and I’m on vacation until New Year’s Day this seems to be the right time to reconsider a few things that have happened in 2007. It’s kinda weird that I don’t know where to start off, but I think that is maybe because so much happened.

I’ve always liked the nature of structured things like ordering something from A to Z or – and that’s what is supposed to be a good idea here – chronologically. I clearly remember how hard we were working at the beginning of this year to get the Waterstorm Beta out the door. As it was the first really big project that we were going to present to the public, this was really exciting for me. After that everything was somehow taken to another level. I mean it’s right that there has been no release 1.0 of Waterstorm so far (which is going to change really soon), but things are kinda happened so fast that there was barely a second to even breath.

Pushing out version 2.0 of our high-speed ranking calculator Rankz just before the Ironman Austria in Klagenfurt in July and then moving to Graz – me first, others later – was quite exhausting, but turned out to be the right decision in the end. As we got our office without windows (but daylight!), we were able to concentrate on bringing the company one step further and working on quite a few different projects.

We’ve done a lot of contract work later this year which will hopefully turn out worth the effort (be sure to check out Drop Point: Alaska in January). I’m really looking forward to seeing what’s next on the contract work side. However, our own projects are even more important and I’m sure 2008 has some quite amazing stuff to offer.

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