Author: rangermann
Playtesting Our New Game on OUYA…
Sunday Night…
Pixel 7
Last weekend some of us attended the Pixel conference in Vienna. Great talks – thanks to the Pixel team! A lot of people managed it to get on location despite the fact that the new Apple maps obviously were not able to help, see for yourself:
Vöslauer Recycling – Interactive CityLights (Vienna)
Currently in Vienna? Then check out one of the interactive CityLights of the Vöslauer Recycling campaign we have been working on:
Post-it War
Website Update
We finally managed to update our website with all the details from the latest projects. Go check it out:
A1 Digital Station Branding – Augmented Reality
If you are somewhere in Vienna these days, don’t miss to check out the digital station branding at the Stephansplatz. As a part of the brand-new marketing campaign of A1 we had the chance to realize an augmented reality solution never seen before anywhere in Austria in terms of screen space and location. Visitors of the subway station at the Stephansplatz can see themselves with speech and thought bubbles above their heads that contain entertaining and product specific slogans as well as different A1 logos.
Here is a short video of the installation – more material is coming soon:
New Jobs at Rarebyte
We are hiring – check out our jobs page!