As previously mentioned, I’m a bit into XSLT at the moment. And again, to help me remember it, here is a snippet from an XSL file that creates a hyperlink with dynamic parameters:
<a> <xsl:attribute name=”href”> <xsl:text>address?param1=value1¶m2=</xsl:text> <xsl:value-of select=”param2″/> </xsl:attribute> <xsl:value-of select=”param2″/> </a> |
Update: Somehow WordPress ate an important detail in the code above – it’s necessary to use & instead of just &…
won’t you tell us whatfor you wanna use that in the game :) ?
Actually, that wasn’t for a game ;) Maybe I’m gonna write something about that very soon….
game? what game? there is no point of evidence that there is anything like that. in fact there are some rumors that a “game developement” – team is never ever producing a game – but masses of projects.
finally i want to point out that rome and also IDsoftware was not build in one day….
i have to annotate that more’n’more devblog is becoming a real interesting place of interchanging ideas from different points of view!
progress lies in the eye of the beholder. i also guess that different points of view are quite important – so there is no “one way straight foreward sight”.